While at the start of his career Sébastien Reuzé sought the wonder of the single glance by bringing out the fictional dimension of “found” incidents discovered lying in front of him so to speak, with Indian Springs he is squarely in fiction. Authorized to shoot photographs on a US Air Force base where the soldiers pilot drones that are hitting targets in Afghanistan and Syria, for example, the artist saw himself forced to stage scenes that included the pilots. So with outdoor documentary photographs whose colors were altered by X-rays when he left not the base but the country, the artist was not content to merely fictionalize interior shots. He posed several objects in his installation, for example, a soldier’s cap decorated with salt crystals, to transport us into zones that are well known to the science fiction writer J.G. Ballard.
A publication telling the story of the drone pilot of Indian Springs will be brought out during Caméra(Auto)Contrôle.
*1970, Neuilly-sur-Seine, lives and works in Bruxelles